Let us show you the ropes!

We are finally seeing some sunshine here in Cornwall! It means that the spring flowers smell lovely, you can go out without a coat and the water is starting to heat up again! A perfect time to let us show you the ropes for on the water activities!

sailing boat with ropes and sea in the background

We have some great courses coming up, on the water and shore based, these include first aid, adult and children sailing, safety boat training and VHF courses. We are delighted to also offer training in mental health first aid for children.

We also work with the RYA to offer courses in various things including powerboat courses. All booking details for this are on our website.

children sailing near Falmouth

We at Mylor Sailing School take huge pride is taking time to create experiences whilst teaching new skills and completing courses, and we would love to have you join us this year! Please feel free to get in touch with any questions.

Our charity arm, Mylor Sailability, has got lots of accessible sailing sessions throughout the summer! Please also get in touch if you would like to hear more about these!

sailability session - sailing near Falmouth