GREEN PAGE – Responsible Visitors Charter


Our Green Page – Responsible Visitors Charter

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we have an impact. Make positive choices and you can help minimise your impact, helping safeguard the environment for future generations. We are committed to working towards a sustainable future. As a visitor we encourage you to support us where you can and have outlined some suggestions below – 

Have a fantastic visit! 

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

At Mylor Sailing School, we try to recycle as much as possible. You can help too by reusing bags and disposing of what you do not need by using the recycling facilities on site 

Please take your litter home with you when visiting beaches etc 

Please, please do not use single use plastics – do not buy plastic bottles of water/drinks 

Respect Marine and Land Wildlife

Keep your distance from any animals or creatures, they need to be left alone. Do not be tempted to chase a dolphin or seal for that photo!  

Do not feed any wildlife, not even seagulls! 

Never throw anything into the sea or oceans, if you see anything then please remove it and dispose of it responsibly – recycle wherever possible 

Do not take shells, stones etc from beaches this has a significant impact on our natural environment 

Try to use marine friendly sunscreens and body lotions, these get absorbed by the marine environment 

Get out of the Car!

Can you walk, cycle or use public transport to get to where you’re going? This also keeps you healthier!

There are loads of ways of seeing the local area without getting in your car and driving too much.

There are some fantastic places right on our doorstep… the Southwest Coast Path for wonderful walks, cycling or e-bikes are available for hire, kayak and SUP hire!

Stay Local, Eat Local, Buy Local, See Local

Cornwall is one of this country’s best larders—lots of local produce and artisan products. Look at our Eateries Recommendations page for some very local places to dine 

When in Rome…

To enjoy Cornwall at its best, we can help you get to know all the nooks and crannies in the local area — it’s a vast area, but chances are most of the people you meet will have their own stories and special recommendations—make the most of their local knowledge! 

Try not to throw away too much

Chill Out, Switch Off!

You can see the stars at night if you step outside of your accommodation. Help reduce light pollution, energy use and CO2 emissions by switching off lights when you do not need them. Help to reduce water consumption by using just the water you need; and then sit back and enjoy the view… 

Green Travel/Green Holidays – 

As we all know, human impact can have devastating effects on habitats, environments, pollution

We’ve all experienced more of the Staycation during the pandemic times – didn’t you have a wonderful time?  Didn’t you enjoy and benefit from engaging in your local community, ecology and economy?  Why not try this more often?

You can read more here by clicking through to the Green Tourism Home page for lots of help to become a more sustainable business – Green Tourism

Our Sustainability and Environmental Responsibilities – 

This policy was last updated January 2023

At Mylor Sailing School we are passionate about the environment and passing this knowledge on to others –

Sustainability and the environment are very important to us.  Mylor Sailing School is committed to minimising the impact of its activities on the environment. This Policy Statement sets out how we will work towards achieving our environmental objectives (for a more in brief description and other marine information please visit this page Link to our Marine and Environment page

• We will meet the environment legislation that relates to the operation of the training school and where possible identify opportunities to adopt best practice over and above the minimum legislative requirements.
• We will ensure that safety boats are fuelled safely and responsibly to avoid spillages and pollution. There is a spill kit located at the fuel locker on the pontoon. Powerboat drivers will be trained in refuelling good practice and the use of spill kits.
• We will minimise the use of electricity in all of our activities. For example; turning off lights, all light bulbs are energy efficient models and only to be replaced with the same.
• We will minimise the use of water in all of our activities. For example; turning off taps as soon as possible and always using the water from our 3 x 200L water butts first etc.
• We will minimise the creation of waste. For example; we will only print and photocopy if absolutely essential and then print double-sided.  We are essentially a paperless business.
• Where possible, we will use email rather than printed materials to communicate and promote our activities.
• We will recycle as much waste as possible by providing adequate clearly labelled bins and increasing our waste and recycling bin collections during busy times.
• Mylor Yacht Harbour provides suitable containers for the disposal of hazardous waste streams in the recycling area in the harbour.
• Any preparations and applications for antifouling will be in a designated area. All scrapings to be collected and disposed of as hazardous waste.
• We will endeavour to take a sustainable approach to running events.
• We will promote relevant local environmental information to our water-users such as the location of voluntary no anchor zones, sensitive habitats/species.
• We will publicise our environmental commitment and promote sustainability amongst our water-users.
• We will take the environmental credentials of our suppliers into account when procuring new products. Link to our Environmental and Ethical Purchasing Policy By doing so we wish to encourage other organisations to integrate sustainability into their operations.
• We will measure our progress and review this policy on an annual basis.
• We will not use chemicals to remove weed and algae from slip ways, steps and pontoon areas, but will use a stiff brush or high pressure hose to blast it off.

• We will use environmentally friendly cleaning products wherever possible on vessels.

• We encourage staff car pooling wherever possible.

RYA logo for a training centre Mylor Sailing School accreditation








Links to the RYA GreenBlue Incentive

Tips for You and Your Boat