RYA Seamanship Skills Dinghy Sailing Course
This course is for children or adults. Sail Independently. How to handle a boat in all circumstances and solve problems afloat. This will teach you to sail in a seamanship like manner and make the right decisions in moderate conditions.
More course information
Please check the online calendar for dates for the Seamanship Skills course. If you cannot see your required dates then please get in touch and we can usually add them for you, no problem!!
This sailing course is mainly spent on the water sailing in our beautiful Fal Estuary, Falmouth, which is nice and sheltered for dinghy sailing. There are also some theoretical aspects of the course that will be taught in the classroom ashore.
The RYA Seamanship Skills course content includes, ropework, windward and leeward shores, sailing techniques and manouevres of reefing, towing, sailing backwards, coping with adverse conditions, further sailing terminology, understanding more indepth meteorology, tidal elements.